Is Hair Replacement Surgery Right For You?
As with any medical procedure, hair transplant surgery patients often have a lot of questions they need to answer prior to committing to going under the knife. Making sure you understand the nature of your condition and finding the right doctor are some parts of the hair transplant surgery process that are similar to any other medical procedure one Of course, there are also many ways a hair transplant or hair restoration procedure differs from other medical procedures. Because hair replacement is misunderstood by many to be simply a cosmetic procedure, some patients may be reluctant to have the surgery done. In certain cases, potential hair replacement patients may even be reluctant to find out more information about the procedure and whether or not it might be right for them. The best way to obtain comprehensive info about hair transplant procedures is to contact a St. Louis hair restoration specialist who can connect you with certified expert practitioners of the procedure. In the meantime, though, it can be helpful to simply identify some of the factors that may be involved in the decision about how best to deal with hair loss.
Cause Of Hair Loss
There are many different causes of hair loss. The specific cause of your hair loss may be due to a combination of factors. Broadly speaking, the causes of hair loss can be classified as either acute or chronic. Your hair loss may be an acute response or a symptom of a chronic, underlying condition. Hair loss does not necessarily indicate a chronic condition beyond the hair loss itself. Many people are surprised to learn that the cause of their hair loss is not a significant factor in determining whether or not they are a good candidate for a hair transplant procedure. Two major factors are the quality of donor’s hair available and the general health of the patient. Potential patients should not shy away from learning more about the procedure just because they feel their hair loss runs in the family and is thus an unavoidable fate. In fact, many individuals with family histories of hair loss are good candidates for transplant surgery.
Age, like the cause of hair loss, is another factor that is vastly overrated by those who are thinking about solving the problem of hair loss. Again, it should be stressed that available donor hair and overall health are much more important factors than age. Hair transplants have been successful, and have improved the quality of life, for people of all ages.
Cost is another reason many fail to investigate a hair transplant procedure. These people assume that hair transplant surgery will be an expensive, especially for a procedure that is not considered by mainstream society to be a medical necessity. Many of these people change their minds upon finding out the real affordability of the procedure. As the procedure has become more common over the years, the technology has improved and costs have lowered. More and more doctors and clinics are able to provide convenient payment plans that make the procedure affordable for an increasing number of people.
Recovery Time
A practical concern that some people have about the procedure is recovery time. Again, people are reluctant to commit much recovery time of a procedure they may feel is unnecessary. Like many other aspects of hair transplantation, the truth is much less scary than these folks’ imaginations. Most people are able to resume their regular schedule of work as soon as the day after the procedure and resume normal physical activity in as little as a few weeks. Whatever the reason you are reluctant to consider a hair transplant surgery, consider learning more about the process before making any final judgments.